Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Weekend!

So this last weekend I got to go home and visit with the Fam, and let me say that I love my family, they are hilarious, and we have so much fun together. Thursday my Dad turned 60! Woo-hoo! He can now shuffle around as much as he wants, (and believe me, he does!) So we took him to get a pedicure, yes, I said pedicure! My mom, sister, sister in law, dad, and even my brother all went for a pedicure! It was SOOO nice. I loved sitting in the massage chairs, with a warm footbath! Mmm. My dad and brother loved it too, although they wouldn't admit it. :) Us girls all got our toes painted in Easter colors: yellow, pink, purple, and blue.

Anyway, I also took some pictures of the beautiful flowers blooming on the trees,
I like that you can see a bee in this one, and there's another bug on the flower.

 I had fun taking these pictures and also found a little bird that nested in my sister's topsy turvy planter.
This girl was very protective and I would say pretty brave.
She was really brave, she would stay there even with all the noise from our house, and my brother's dog! But, I was trying to get a good picture of her and got  a little too close, and I kind of scared her away a few times. I felt bad about that, but I got some pictures of her eggs! She came right back after I went inside.
Here are her eggs!

I thought that was really fun, and I can't wait for those eggs to hatch!

So, my sister is pretty amazing and she decided to make rice crispy eggs as treats for choir last Sunday. So I helped her make these:

 We used a large plastic egg as a mold, pressed rice crispy's into each side, filled one side with candy, and pressed them together to make a whole egg. It was so cute, sickly sweet actually! That's why you've gotta love Shaina, she's so creative!
Mom helped with the wrapping, she had these cute little flowers to add to it.
We had a few different colors: pink, blue, green, yellow, purple and orange.
 Since this is my official Easter post, I just wanted to share a few things I love:
Shara and Craig, this is for you! I'll never forget the joy this brought us at Easter time! ;)

Ok, now fun and games aside, I will end with saying that I'm truly grateful for this Easter time; the time I have to spend with my family and for my Savior, for his willingness to atone for each one of us, and the blessings we can grasp because he has risen. I'm grateful that because of his sacrifice we can overcome our sins, fears, and imperfections. Our job is to accept and receive the gift of the atonement, to repent and to stop dwelling on our imperfections. We can be happy through the trials in our life because Christ has been there before, and we know we aren't alone! If it weren't for Easter (aka the atonement) we wouldn't celebrate Christmas! So Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Craig wanted to email that link to you! :D Sad I missed it, but glad everyone had a good time!


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