Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So, I'm Graduating! I will be a graduate from Brigham Young University! I am so excited, and a little scared to finally be done with college! Let me just say that there have been times when I doubted this day would come, but in two days I will be walking, and I can't wait! It's weird that now I'll have to start my life as an "adult"! Up until this point I have been dreading that, but now that it's come I actually feel okay about it and even a little excited. So for the sake of being narcissistic, Congrats to me! :)


  1. Congratulations, Stacia! You are SOOOO amazing. I'm glad we're roommates, even if you're leaving me in a week. I hope you have a wonderful time graduating--savor the walk!

  2. You're awesome!! I think you'll really love Seattle and it will really help you find out what the next step it! Love you!


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