Saturday, May 28, 2011

Family Photos: Memories of the Adorable, Cute, and Funny!

I went home a couple of weeks ago, and my mom had a bunch of old photos out, she's going through them all and is going to scan them into the computer, but I couldn't wait for that! Some of these photos were so cute I just took pictures of the pictures with my phone. So I'm sharing some of them with you today, cause lets face it, the past is adorable, cute, and funny! All things that I love! On another note, we are all so much more attractive now than when these photos were taken. :)

Aren't these glasses amazing! I didn't know they could make them that big! I love that the sides are at the bottom of the lens! So my mom looks so young and so adorable in this picture! I think she might actually be younger than me in this pic! That's crazy...she got married at 24 and pregnant right away! Anyway, I really can't get over how young she looks. :)

Mom and Steve: Baby #1

Myself, Shara, and Alicia, dressed up to the 10's!
My sisters, cousins, friends and I would play dress up all the time. It was so fun to imagine we were princesses, mermaids, or flower fairies! I remember dancing around our living room to Yawni! Yes... Yawni! He was my favorite, and sometimes The Beatles! It was so fun!
Dad, Steve, and Mom
 I love this picture, my parents with my oldest brother Steve, they look so happy, and young with their first baby! Little did they know all the "terrors" they'd bring into this world! ;) No, we were really angels!

Me, Pooh Bear, and Shaina

 At Disneyland! Don't you love our matching outfits! We were rocking that checkered look!

Steve, a cousin, me, right there in the middle, pulling Grandpa's beard. :)
 I love this picture! That's my Grandpa Fred dressed as Santa Claus, surrounded by his little grandkids! I'm the smiling baby in the middle pulling his beard! Even at an early age I was skeptical! I knew that wasn't Santa! :) My Grandpa died of cancer a few years later, so there aren't that many photos of us, this makes me happy. :)
Welp, my family is still dressing up! Actually this was for a parade, the theme was the 60's! I thought we did well! We were walking for a good cause! Unfortunately, you can't see the guide dog we were training, and walking with in the parade, but he was the star of the show!

Me, Shaina, Shara
 My mom made these matching dresses for us for Easter! I loved that dress, and my mom is so talented! Don't we just look adorable? I think so.
Shaina, Scott, Shara
 Scott looks so little! He's so cute, I can't believe how fast he's grown up! There's an 8 year gap between him and I and he's turning 18 this year! Crazy!
Steve & Shara
 I LOVE this picture of Steve and Shara, I think this is one of the cutest things. Steve is so funny! I love that smile, and sweet.
Shara & Steve
 Again!!!, Hahahhaaa! Oh I LOVE this, it's classic! Poor little Shara...but actually she didn't seem to mind. :) Steve always did love reading.

Mom, Shara, Dad, Steve
 Look what a handsome/beautiful family that is.

Me, Mom, Shara, Dad, Steve
 Oh look, there I am! The latest addition up to that point. It's so interesting to see photos of our family as it's growing. It makes me excited for the future, as you never really know what to expect in this life. A family is like a surprise every day and life is always changing and growing.
Steve, Mom, & Shara
 I love this with their painted faces, they look so adorable. Look at those eyebrows on Shara! I think you should go for that look again, it does a lot for you! ;)
Shaina, Shara, Me, cousins: Eric, & Alicia
 This was on top of a fallen down Redwood tree, we came here all the time growing up, I loved that place, and it was so fun to climb all over that tree. People have carved their names all over that thing.
Shaina, Shara, & Scott
Haha, I love Scott's scared face here! So funny! I think he was afraid they were gonna start playing "scott" ball!
Shaina, Shara, Mom, Scott, Dad, Me, & Steve: One big happy family!
 The family, finally complete! This is everyone, well there are a few additions, some people got married. :) But this was us growing up, The Svedi's and I have to say we're a pretty cute family.

Me, Scott, Shaina
Haha, I have to end on this one, it makes laugh! Scott looks so cute and I love that he's wearing his tie with a baby tee. :) Shaina looks so sweet, as usual. And there I am, making a fish face. yeah.... Love my family.

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